August 2020 Chapter Meeting (Webinar)

Dividends Plus: Building Wealth and Growing Income in Uncertain Times

Roger Conrad

Roger S. Conrad has been successfully advising investors on how to pick investments and manage portfolios for growth and income since 1986. During this presentation, he’ll discuss top picks for 2021, as well as highlight several widely held investments that are at growing risk for catastrophic declines. Additionally, you’ll learn about CUI Plus+, a new active management approach that targets earning annual income of 6% and total returns of 10% with a broadly diversified, weighted portfolio of safe stocks. This program will include an extensive Q & A session, so bring your investment questions or concerns and have them addressed by this highly regarded investment expert!

Attend This Meeting and Learn…

– How a diversified portfolio of dividend stocks from “best-in-class” companies can keep your portfolio growing and paying a rising stream of income in any economic/political environment
 – Where to find the most reliable and best-earning stocks in the current environment of rising interest rates and uncertain economic/political conditions
 – How to avoid the rising risks of a trading environment increasingly dominated by mega exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and the algorithmic trading strategies that use them

Webinar Video -> MP4 link

Webinar Video -> YouTube AAII Channel Link

Speaker Slides -> Link

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