August 2018 Chapter Meeting

Behavioral Finance

Phillip Weiss, CPA, CFA, Principal, Apprise Wealth Management

519 Church & Conference Center
1100 Perimeter Park Dr #118, Morrisville, NC 27560

Saturday, August 11 at 10:00AM
$5 at the door for everyone. No advanced reservations.

Philip Weiss will discuss how we often find ourselves torn between emotion and logic when making decisions. People decide differently under pressure or high risk—exactly the kind of scenario experienced by investors. Investors often expend too much energy trying to avoid making hard choices by looking for an information advantage that will guarantee them a “sure thing.” Instead, investors should simply focus on making better decisions. While none of us can avoid behavioral biases completely, processes can be put in place to help avoid the potential impact of these errors. Weiss discusses numerous behavioral biases and offers suggestions about what can be done to limit their impact.

Attend This Meeting and Learn

  • Why behavioral finance is relevant for investors
  • How behavioral biases can affect investor decisions
  • What can be done to limit the impact

About our Speaker

Phil founded Apprise Wealth Management. He started his financial services career in 1987 working as a tax professional for Deloitte & Touche. For the past 20 years, he has worked extensively in the areas of personal finance and investment management. Phil is both a CFA charterholder and a CPA. In addition, he has served as a featured media spokesperson and has written weekly commentary on market-related topics. His investment approach favors the long term, as well as assessing the value and fundamentals of the assets in which he invests.

He launched his own Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) business so he could provide financial planning, personal finance, and investment management services and education to those looking for assistance. He believes it is a privilege to help others plan for their financial future.

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