Sailing in Uncharted Investment Waters in 2025: Trumponomics, the Musk X factor and Geopolitical wildcards
- Parking for the chapter meeting will be at a premium since two additional events are occurring at the church on the 25th. In the church-side (south) parking lot, you can park on the grass that lines 2 sides between the pavement and fence. West Raleigh Presbyterian is letting us park in their lot this Saturday behind Fairmont at corner of Horne St and Vanderbilt Ave (2502 Vanderbilt Ave). You can also park on the street.
- The Get-togethers/General Investing Group (GIG) is postponed due to the inclement weather. The next meeting will be posted on Chapter Information/#SIGs.
- The Personal Finance SIG will meet at a private home in Cary on Tuesday, January 28. See Chapter Information/#SIGs for more information and email [email protected] for the address and agenda.
- The Options SIG will meet on February 1 at the usual time and place. See Chapter Information/#SIGs for details.
- For our chapter meeting, we will meet in the fellowship hall on the ground floor of Fairmont United Methodist Church near NC State. For parking and building entry instructions, see location details below.
- Starting in January 2025, our attendance fee is $10.
- Following the meeting, please join us for lunch with the speaker at the Cape Fear Seafood Company (Village District).
Presentation Summary:
We find ourselves again in uncharted investment waters. The stock market soared after the Trump victory even as Goldman Sachs chilled investors with their lost decade forecast. Interest rates are rising again even as the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates. Adding to wildcard risks, a RAND report says geopolitical risks are at a level we haven’t seen since 1945. Dennis Stearns joins us again to discuss how all these trends interplay with Trumponomics 2.0 and Elon Musk’s promises to tackle the budget deficits while he says “Be prepared for hard times ahead.”
Meeting Details:
Date: Saturday, January 25th, 2025
Time: 10:00 a.m. ET (mix and mingle starts at 9:30)
Location: Fairmont United Methodist Church: 2501 Clark Avenue Raleigh, NC 27607. Parking is available on the west side of the church (accessible only from Clark Ave.) and across the street, north east of the church. Please follow signs to enter the building. The north entrance on Clark Ave. requires going down 18 stairs. The southeast entrance on Horne St. only requires going down 3 stairs.

Virtual access: To register to attend the Zoom webinar, please purchase a ticket on our chapter’s Square account
Cost: $10 cash (in-person) or electronic payment (webinar)
Before attending in person, please read:
If you feel sick, please join us virtually.
About Our Speaker
Dennis is a partner in Stearns Financial Group (SFG), a fee-only fiduciary financial planning, investment management and business consulting firm based in Chapel Hill and Greensboro, NC. SFG is one of Citywire RIA’s “Most Innovative firms” and has been called “One of the leading scenario planning firms in the U.S.” by the Financial Planning Association. Dennis is regularly quoted in many leading financial publications and speaks to local, regional and national groups on economic and investment trends.