Building Better Portfolios With Smart Beta

Tony Davidow
Vice President and Alternative Beta Strategist, Schwab & Co.
Location: Wake Tech Western Wake Campus, Room 118
3434 Kildare Farm Road, Cary, NC 27518
Saturday, May 19 at 10:00AM (Note week change)
$5 at the door for everyone. No advanced reservations.
Individual investors have embraced exchange-traded funds (ETFs) as building blocks in their portfolios. ETFs allow investors to access virtually every segment of the market in a cost-effective fashion (“cheap beta”). Indexing has evolved a great deal over the last several years, from “cheap beta” to “smart beta.” Smart beta represents a range of different strategies, including equal-weight, low volatility, momentum, quality and fundamental, among others. Anthony Davidow will cover different types of smart beta strategies and how to use them in building portfolios.
Attend This Meeting and Learn
- How to distinguish between “market-cap” and smart beta strategies
- How to distinguish among the myriad of smart beta strategies
- How to incorporate smart beta strategies in building better portfolios
About our Speaker
Anthony B. Davidow is Vice President, Alternative Beta and Asset Allocation Strategist for the Schwab Center for Financial Research (SCFR). In this role, he is responsible for providing Schwab’s point of view on asset allocation and portfolio construction. He also provides research and analysis on alternative beta strategies and how investors can incorporate them in their portfolios. Tony is a member of the firm’s Asset Allocation Council.
Tony has had many articles and papers published in Schwab and industry publications. He’s a frequent speaker at industry conferences on a range of topics including: Asset Allocation and Portfolio Construction, The Role and use of Alternative Investments, and Building Better Portfolios with Smart Beta Strategies among others. Tony shares Schwab’s point-of-view with media outlets including CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox Business, Barron’s, WSJ and others.
Tony earned a B.B.A. degree in finance and investments from Bernard M. Baruch College, and has earned the Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA®) designation from the Investment Management Consultant’s Association (IMCA) and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Tony was awarded the prestigious Steven l Kessler writing Award in 2017, and Honorary Distinction in 2015, for his original articles. He holds FINRA Series 7, 24, and 63 registrations.
Speaker Slides:
AAII May 2018 EB2
The Elegance of Indexing 2017 Final