Building and Managing a Retirement Portfolio

Founder, 7Twelve Portfolio
Using historical data, this Craig Israelsen examines the growth and loss potential of various portfolios during the build-up phase (prior to retirement) and the drawdown phase (post-retirement). The impact of rebalancing is evaluated over multiple time periods. This presentation specifically examines the use of “alternative asset classes” in portfolio design. The 7Twelve Portfolio, a multi-asset balanced model, is introduced.
519 Church & Conference Center
1100 Perimeter Park Dr #118, Morrisville, NC 27560
Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 10:00AM
$7 at the door for everyone. No advanced reservations
Attend This Meeting and Learn
- The historical performance of various assets
- About retirement portfolio design and the impact of rebalancing
- About the impact of using multiple asset classes in portfolios and the importance of combining low correlation assets
About our Speaker
Craig L. Israelsen, Ph.D., spent nearly 30 years teaching family finance at the university level (14 years at the University of Missouri-Columbia and nine years at Brigham Young University). Israelsen now teaches at Utah Valley University. He writes monthly for Financial Planning Magazine and is the designer of the 7Twelve Portfolio ( Israelsen’s research has been cited in the Christian Science Monitor, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Forbes, Smart Money Magazine, Kiplinger Retirement Report, Advisor Perspectives, Dow Jones Market Watch, Family Circle Magazine and Bottom Line Personal.